Join Us

If you love to sing and can hold a tune, come and join us! You don’t need to read music or have a trained voice - just be able to sing in tune and hold your part. You don’t even need experience - just a willingness to learn techniques such as breathing, vocal and visual performance skills.



We give you learning MP3 tracks for new songs and our current repertoire along with the music. Vocalise in the car on the way to work or while you’re vacuuming and you’ll learn the music in no time!

Come along to a rehearsal to see what we do.

7:00pm, Monday evenings
Marian School Hall, Hamilton East

You’ll have an initial voice check to place you into one of the four voice parts according to your range – bass, baritone, lead or tenor. For more information email us.


More about the voice parts...

Our music is based on four-part chords sung a capella (without accompaniment).
Leads sing the tune.
Basses have deeper voices – the foundation of the chord.
Baritones sing harmony part, above the basses and usually below the lead.
Tenors sing the bell-like notes at the top of the harmony, for higher voices.

You'll need to attend several rehearsals before you're ready to audition. We support you all the way through this process. If you pass your audition the chorus votes on accepting you as a member and then you're one of us!

You'll develop skills during rehearsals, at weekend workshops and a variety of local and national events. Coaches from around New Zealand and overseas extend our skills. Each year, usually in May, choruses from around New Zealand compete at national competitions.

Be warned – singing four part harmony is seriously addictive!