Submitted by Kelli Allison on

Competitions, that is! At the start of #nzmusicmonth the Waikato Rivertones headed to Christchurch to perform in Harmony Aotearoa. This Sweet Adelines NZ national chorus event was even more highly anticipated than usual because it was cancelled in 2020 (thanks Covid!). It was great after all of our rehearsals to finally perform for real. For our seasoned performers it was slightly different this year, with our international judges watching us via live stream video and results shared a week later.
Each chorus performed two songs (a ballad and an up-tune) which was so much fun to watch, and we were rapt to get the audience vote for our performance!
Our WRT newbies (in high spirits above pre-performance) said 'I loved the nurturing feeling from the audience', 'it was great to see how we compared to other choruses', and I totally resonated with this one...'I loved performing and wanted to do it all again straight away!'
Jo (1st left) summed up her experience as many different things...'Energetic, nervous, powerful, engaging, glittering, shimmery, sparkly, charismatic, confident, competitive and captivating. I have plenty more to learn but one thing I do know is I have thoroughly enjoyed my first contest and it has definitely left me wanting more'. Ditto!